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Academic Excellence & Beyond

Our mission at Jefferson is to empower students to become self-motivated and successful learners by providing a safe and positive environment. Our students will develop the skills that enable them to become responsible and well-rounded citizens.

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Our district has undergone incredible academic transformation marked by a 90+ percent graduation rate. 

Latest News & Events

We Believe In Our Scholars


We are excited to announce that enrollment is still available for our Transitional Kindergarten (TK) for this current school year for 4-year-old children. TK is designed to give 4-year-old children (turning 5 by June 2, 2025), an excellent start to their educational journey by providing them with a year of growth and leaning in a developmentally appropriate educational environment. 

Read More about Transitional Kindergarten (TK) Enrollment Still Open (opens in new window/tab)
Vision To Learn

Vision To Learn, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Everychild, and Compton Unified School District announced a groundbreaking new initiative today to provide all children in Compton Unified schools with comprehensive eye care, at no cost to the children or their families.

Read More about Vision To Learn, Children’s Hospital LA, and Everychild to Provide CUSD Scholars with Free Eye Care (opens in new window/tab)
Robotics Festival

50 Compton Unified teams competed at the third annual CUSD First Robotics Festival at Dominguez High School recently. More than 350 scholars from 18 schools participated in FTC, FLL Discover, Explore, and Challenge teams, showcasing their coding, core values, innovation projects, and robotics skills with their robot matches.

Read More about 18 Schools, 50 Teams, 350 Scholars Compete in CUSD First Robotics Festival (opens in new window/tab)